You need to contact the concerned authority of your school/block/district whether your mobile number has been mapped with the MDM for reporting.
You need to send the MDM daily data with in the pre-defined time range (SMS Start and End time) of your State.This time limit will be set by your State Administrator.
No other data needs to be sent despite daily/monthly.
You can send data by (1) SMS in pre-defined format to toll free non-metered number 15544, (2) Mobile App-with or without Internet connectivity, (3) Data will be collected through a voice call by OBD-outbound dial back in case SMS data is not received till the designated time, (4) Through the website if you have access to Internet (5) Through the cluster head or Block Education Officer by calling their office and giving the daily information to them who can use the Mobile App or Web App to enter your data.
You can send the data by using the web interface of MDM by logging with your username and password. You can also the call center to report the data.
You can send the data by using the MDM mobile application SMS feature. The SMS sent will be free.
In case you or other registered coordinators of your school, fail to send SMS by a designated time period, you will get a SMS alert and hopefully by that time you will be at your home. Otherwise, you may inform the number of meals served to your cluster head, who can input this data. Alternatively, if other teacher(s) from your school is (are) registered, the daily data can be sent from their mobile phone too.
You have to send the data in the following format:- MDM space number of meal served space reason space sub reason E.g. MDM 0, MDM 30 If 0 then send SMS with proper reason code MDM 0 1 You can also send the data by using MDM mobile application. If you don’t know the format to send the data than you can still send the data by using SMS feature under the mobile application. You just need to enter the value and the SMS will be sent in a prefixed format. Send the SMS on Toll-Free 15544 number.
It will ensure the real time monitoring of Mid-Day meal served daily in the various school across India and to address the gaps in current manual system of monitoring with system generated alerts and exceptional reporting mechanism.
Kindly watch the SMS Video Tutorial.
First of all, your mobile number must have been collected by the Block Education Officer and entered into the State MDM MIS Portal. To verify and activate your mobile number, please send a SMS in the prescribed format. If your number is present in the State database, you will receive the confirmation message giving information of your school. If it is correct, you may start sending the daily meal data immediately. Otherwise, your need to get the data corrected through the BEO office or by calling the Helpline Number.
First of all your mobile number should be registered and mapped to atleast one school in MDM application. If you are mapped to single school then send daily data as follow:- a. MDM space number of meal served e.g MDM 30 d. If 0 then send SMS with proper reason and sub reason code MDM 0 1 1 [reason code: 1 if “Food grain not available”, 2 if “Cook not available”, 3 if “Fuel/ Ingredients not available”, 4 if “Packages not received from NGO/SHG”, 5 if “Holiday in school”,6 if “Other Reason”] and [Sub Reason Value-1: Please enter 1 if “food grains not received”, 2 if “foodgrains damaged”, 3 if “insufficient foodgrains.Value-2: Please enter 1 if “insufficient fuel”, 2 if “cook salary not paid”, 3 if “cook quitted”.Value-3: Please enter 1 if “food grains not received”, 2 if “insufficient funds for cooking”, 3 if “insufficient ingredients”.Value-4: Please enter 1 if “vendor not received payments”, 2 if “damaged in transit”]
a. Yes. The application has a provision for registering respondent with unique mobile numbers against each shifts of same school and they can send the MDM data of their respective shifts.
a. MDM space number of meal served space reason space sub reason b. E.g. MDM 0 1-6 1-4
a. MDM space M space number of enrollment space Food space Funds b. e.g. MDM M 0 Y N, MDM M 30 Y Y
a. No. It’s free from user end.
User can SMS as MDM H to 15544 to get the list of SMS formats and the detail of his/her mapped schools.
The 15544 is the MDM toll-free non-metered national number for all mobile operators.The registered mobile numbers can send their MDM daily and monthly reporting data in pre-defined SMS format on 15544 number. It is common for all mobile operators and no charges will be deducted.
The registered use can send the mobile number modification request to their MDM District/State Coordinator and they can update it through Web portal.
If a respondent is mapped to multiple schools they can send the MDM reporting data by suffix the school order code as D1, D2 etc. E.g MDM 30 D1, MDM 45 D2 In case of wrong format the user will get reverse system generated SMS about the list of his/her mapped schools.
All registered users who will report their School MDM daily and monthly data through SMS from their mobiles will get a reverse SMS as acknowledgement for all right/wrong SMSs.
In case of transfer the State/District/Block user can update the teacher school mapping through Web Portal.
This can be done through MDM Web Portal by the MDM State/District/Block level users.These users will also activate and mapped their corresponding schools for reporting MDM data through SMS.